A Labour Of Love – An electro-acoustic suite about finding belonging in ones own voice
Zola Mennenöh (DE) is an improvising singer and composer, known for her honest and touching vocal performances and subtle, delicate works. Her debut album „Longing for Belonging“ was released in November 2021 on New York based label figureight records and received a nomination as „Best Vocal Album“ for the German Jazz Price 2021.
The Guardian named her as one of „BEST NEW ARTISTS IN 2021“ in January 2021, saying „The German musician’s debut album finds her searching for her identity. Her singular vision suggests she already has a handle on it. Her bright and intimate songwriting meets the eerie existentialism of the Ninth Wave side of Kate Bush’s Hounds of Love, intermittently warmed and unsettled by an improv jazz sensibility“.
In February 2021 she graduated as a soloist from the Rytmisk Musikkonservatorium in February 2021. For her final project „A labour of love“ she immersed herself deeply into a multi dimensional exploration of the human voice as a tool of expression of one’s identity, continually driven by her wish to deepen a free, authentic, personal expression. She collaborated with pianist Simon Toldam, Stringquartet Halvcirkel, Nick Martin and visual artist Malwa Grabowska to realise her vision for a electro-acoustic suite and visual dimension with a paper sculpture and video projections.
Inspired by works of Hans Abrahamsen as well as Björk, she immersed herself into finding a new sonic expression merging her various musical interests and influences, melting both classical and Avant-Pop, experimental and catchy, improvised and composed pieces. Together, the organic-synthetic Ensemble is creating beautiful and airy minimalistic sonic landscapes around Zolas voice, oscillating freely between beautiful songs, spoken word, beautiful and noisy instrumentals.
BILLETTER a 100 DKK per koncert / Stud: 50 DKK sælges i døren.
Husk Coronapas!
Cph Jazz Festival @ KoncertKirken 2021 støttes af Statens Kunstfond, Københavns Kommune, William Demant Fonden, Augustinus Fonden, Dansk Musiker Forbund, Nørrebro Lokaludvalg m.fl.