19:00 – 23:00
Sten Sandell/Johannes Nästesjö (SE)
Crush String Collective
Jacob Anderskov solo
Johannes Nästesjö solo
19.00 Jacob Anderskov solo
20.00 Johannes Nästesjö solo
21.00 Crush String Collective
22.00 Sten Sandell/Johannes Nästesjö (SE)
20.00 Johannes Nästesjö solo
21.00 Crush String Collective
22.00 Sten Sandell/Johannes Nästesjö (SE)
DA (English below):
Jacob Anderskov – Piano
Jacob Anderskov er pianist, komponist og kapelmester fra København. Han har udgivet mere end 25 albums som bandleder og co-leader siden sin debut i 2001. Han har modtaget adskillige priser og hyldet af den internationale presse som en fremragende stemme inden for samtidsmusik. Anderskov har optrådt i de fleste lande på den vestlige halvkugle med egne projekter. Hans oeuvre rummer alt fra improviserede værker i små grupper til næsten gennemkomponeret materiale til større ensembler.
Anderskovs musik inkorporerer ofte improvisation, farvelægning eller nye måder at bygge bro mellem det komponerede og det udefinerede. I de senere år har han haft flere projekter med klassisk uddannede musikere, og deltaget med eller uden selv som improvisator eller leder.
Anderskovs musik inkorporerer ofte improvisation, farvelægning eller nye måder at bygge bro mellem det komponerede og det udefinerede. I de senere år har han haft flere projekter med klassisk uddannede musikere, og deltaget med eller uden selv som improvisator eller leder.
Sten Sandell – Piano
Johannes Nästesjö – Double Bass
Johannes Nästesjö – Double Bass
Improviseret og realtidskomponeret musik i nutidig europæisk ånd. Baseret på konversationer frem for monologer. Musikalsk, til tider luftig og med god plads til at begge musikere kan frasere frit, men stadig sammen. Til tider intenst, yderst rytmisk, komplekst og kompakt. Musik der pløjer musikalske furer, uden at tilsidesætte helheden, men altid klar til rytmiske, dynamiske, tonale og spektrale øjeblikkelige ændringer.
Crush String Collective:
Maria Jagd, violin
Julija Morgan, violin
Tove Bagge, bratsch
Oda Dyrnes, cello
Nicole Hogstrand, cello
Ida Nørby, cello
Maria Jagd, violin
Julija Morgan, violin
Tove Bagge, bratsch
Oda Dyrnes, cello
Nicole Hogstrand, cello
Ida Nørby, cello
Crush String Collective er et eksperimenterende strygerkollektiv, der gennem deres sammenlagte 150 års instrument-erfaring, non-hierarkiske struktur og homogene sammenspil, tager lytteren med ind i en pludselig forelskelse i strygeinstrumenternes sarte og levende klang. De har brudt med den klassiske musiks strenge rammer og leger med øjeblikkets magi. De udforsker strygerlydens mange aspekter. De skaber musik der strækker sig fra den storslåede klang af et strygeorkester til atmosfærer af små lyde af træ og strenge, som møder bue og hår.
I 2022 udgav Crush String Collective deres debut album “Aeriform”, der har modtaget mangfoldet rosende kritik og blevet anmeldt bland andet i The Wire Magazine:
“…they clearly approach the possibilities of performance with well-defined horizons in common, and shared awareness of chamber music traditions.. The strings conspire to evoke the fluctuations of the natural world, its permanence and its evanescence.” – The Wire Magazine
I 2022 udgav Crush String Collective deres debut album “Aeriform”, der har modtaget mangfoldet rosende kritik og blevet anmeldt bland andet i The Wire Magazine:
“…they clearly approach the possibilities of performance with well-defined horizons in common, and shared awareness of chamber music traditions.. The strings conspire to evoke the fluctuations of the natural world, its permanence and its evanescence.” – The Wire Magazine
Jacob Anderskov – Piano
Jacob Anderskov is a pianist, composer and bandleader from Copenhagen. He has released more than 25 albums as a bandleader and co-leader since his debut in 2001. He has received numerous awards and hailed by the international press as an outstanding voice in contemporary music. Anderskov has performed in most countries in the western hemisphere with his own projects. His oeuvre encompasses everything from improvised works in small groups to almost thoroughly composed material for larger ensembles.
Johannes Nästesjö – Double Bass
Since 20 years Johannes has been working as a professional Double-Bass player and teacher within the genres of Improvised and Contemporary Music, as well as Modern Jazz, Theater Music and Music for Children. His curiosity, passion and urge to go deeper in the music has brought him together with several musicians and dancers around the world, artistic research and participation on 45 records. He has got four Contemporary solo & duo pieces dedicated to him and he recently conducted artistic research (Advanced Post Graduate Diploma) at the Rhythmic Music Conservatory in Copenhagen.
Sten Sandell – Piano
Johannes Nästesjö – Double Bass
Johannes Nästesjö – Double Bass
Improviserad/realtidskomponerad musik i den samtida Europeiska andan. Byggd på konversationer snarare än monologer. Musikaliskt, stundtals luftigt och med gott om utrymme för de bägge musikerna att frasera fritt, men ändock tillsammans. Stundtals intensivt, ytterst rytmiskt komplext och kompakt, med musik som plöjer fram musikalisk fåror, utan att för den sakens skull köra över helheten. Men hela tiden redo för rytmiska, dynamiska, tonala och spektrala ögonblicksförändringar.
Crush String Collective:
Maria Jagd, violin
Julija Morgan, violin
Tove Bagge, bratsch
Oda Dyrnes, cello
Nicole Hogstrand, cello
Ida Nørby, cello
Maria Jagd, violin
Julija Morgan, violin
Tove Bagge, bratsch
Oda Dyrnes, cello
Nicole Hogstrand, cello
Ida Nørby, cello
Crush String Collective (DK/SE/NO) is an experimental collective of string musicians. With their combined 150 years of instrumental experience, non-hierarchical structure and homogeneous interplay, they bring the listener into a sudden crush on the string instrument’s vulnerable and lively sound. The ensemble has broken up with the strict framework of classical music and plays with the magic of the moment. They explore the many aspects of string sounds. They create music that ranges from grand string orchestra sounds to atmospheres of small wooden sounds and friction when strings and bow hair meet.
In 2022 Crush String Collective released their debut album “Aeriform”, who has received numerous positive reviews and has been reviewet in The Wire Magazine:
“…they clearly approach the possibilities of performance with well-defined horizons in common, and shared awareness of chamber music traditions.. The strings conspire to evoke the fluctuations of the natural world, its permanence and its evanescence.” – The Wire Magazine
In 2022 Crush String Collective released their debut album “Aeriform”, who has received numerous positive reviews and has been reviewet in The Wire Magazine:
“…they clearly approach the possibilities of performance with well-defined horizons in common, and shared awareness of chamber music traditions.. The strings conspire to evoke the fluctuations of the natural world, its permanence and its evanescence.” – The Wire Magazine
TICKETS a 120 DKK / Stud. 60 DKK in the door from 18.30.
VINTERJAZZ @ KONCERTKIRKEN støttes af Statens Kunstfond, Københavns Kommune, KODA Kultur m.fl.