20:00 – 22:00
Hand of Benediction (SE/DK)
Henrik Olsson – electric guitar
Jeppe Skovbakke – double bass
Rune Lohse – drums
Den herboende guitarist og komponist Henrik Olsson har tiltrukket sig stor opmærksomhed gennem bla hans egne projekter Penumbra Ensemble, Olsson/Rubin, EHM samt forskellige ad hoc sammenhænge.
Her præsenterer han sit nye, albumaktuelle projekt Hand of Benediction; en trio der tager afsæt i hans egne kompositioner. New York City Jazz Record havde albummet med på sin liste over Best New Releases 2019 og gav det en honorable mention. Vital Weekly har kaldt albummet “a lovely madness and a very remarkable statement”.
Trioen består udover ham selv af trommeslageren Rune Lohse og bassisten Jeppe Skovbakke. Rune er velkendt for sit arbejde med Horse Orchestra, Michael Rexen og Klimaforandringer. Jeppe Skovbakke har turneret og indspillet med flere generationer danske jazzmusikere og en række internationale solister, fra John Tchicai til Rhys Chatham.
Henrik Olsson is a swedish guitarist and composer based in Copenhagen. He is a member of the improvising collective/record label Barefoot Records and is well established on the danish and international jazz/improvisation scene. His playing have attracted attention through his own projects Penumbra Ensemble, Olsson/Rubin, EHM as well as various ad hoc contexts.
Here he presents his new project Hand of Benediction; a trio whose music is based around his compositions. The album Hand of Benediction was released in 2019 and was by Vital Weekly called “a lovely madness and a very remarkable statement”. The New York City Jazz Record had the album on its list of Best New Releases 2019 and gave it an honorable mention.
The trio features drummer Rune Lohse and bass player Jeppe Skovbakke. Rune is well known for his work with Horse Orchestra, Michael Rexen, and Klimaforandringer. Jeppe has toured and recorded with several generations of danish jazz musicians and a number of international soloists ranging from John Tchicai to Rhys Chatham.
“The debut album of this trio, augmented by reeds player Julie Kjær and tuba player Kristian Tangvik, is a kind of semi-occult, free-jazz drama that makes full use of the highly personal and often eccentric voices of this trio…Get ready to shine and open your chakras with these fascinating sonic spells, courtesy of sonic sorcerer Olsson & Co.” – Eyal Hareuveni, Salt Peanuts
“Recommended New Release in The New York City Jazz Record”
“With ‘Hand of Benediction’ Olsson is pushing forward the idiom of avant rock, making it more wild with his oversized eccentric movements. For sure here is somebody at work with a very outspoken vision and drive. It is a lovely madness and a very remarkable statement by this composer and guitarist of whom I hope to hear more” – Dolf Mulder, Vital Weekly
“In his own way, Olsson has been able to bring to life a very exciting and refreshing musical phenomenon” – Jouko Kirstilä, Jazzrytmit
“Less than 35 minutes have just passed in the blink of an eye – and the impressions are so many that a two-volume novel could be written.” – Spontaneous Music Tribune
“The musicians’ diversified track mix sets this album apart from many similar undertakings, along with hints of melody and umpteen ways to attack a largely renegade adventure with cohesive statements and even a few memorable melodies. No doubt, the band gets out of the gate with a bang. Hopefully, more goodness is still to come.” – Glenn Astarita, All About Jazz
TICKETS: 100 DKK / Stud. 50 DKK
VINTERJAZZ @ KONCERTKIRKEN 2020 støttes af Statens Kunstfond, Københavns Kommune, Nørrebro Lokaludvalg, Knud Højaards Fond og Williams Demants Fond.