20:00 – 22:00
Anders Vestergaard/Finn Loxbo
+ Michael Rexen/Mark Solborg
Anders Vestergaard – trommer, bækkener, elektronik
Finn Loxbo – guitar, elektronik, stemme
Michael Rexen – elektronik, stemme
Mark Solborg – guitar
Anders Vestergaard og Finn Loxbo udforsker sammen klange og teksturer i et spændingsfelt mellem reduktionistisk akustisk improvisation, elektronisk noise og extended badeværelses sang.
Anders Vestergaard er en særdeles aktiv trommeslager på den danske musikscene, både med sine egne bands Yes Deer og Bravura in the face of Grief og som sideman i f.eks. Jacob Anderskovs Just in Time.
Finn Loxbo er kendt for sit arbejde med musikalske ekstremer. Dels hans distortede elektriske guitarspil i metalduoen Strändarnas Svall og free jazz bandet Doglife og dels hans reduktionistiske akustiske soloimprovisationer.
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Copenhagen based artist Michael Rexen is the cofounder of the Floating Music Studio, Born and raised in the UAE, Michael has traveled the world with his art. A concert with Michael is a journey into improvised music that takes many shapes and forms. Taking apart the construction of conventional concert ideals by taking the physical surroundings into play in a meaningful way. He creates a universe on the stage. All for a more captivating experience for the audience. As well as trying to expand the concept of live shows. Seeing himself as a performer, that does the work of the music. The music is not there for him, he is a servant of it. He uses his voice, prerecorded messages, sound from around the world, drum machine, flutes and home made electronic instruments.
Entré: 60 kr.
Støttet af Statens Kunstfond, Københavns Kommune, A.P. Møllers Fond, Augustinus Fonden, Nørrebro Lokaludvalg og DJBFA/Komponister og Sangskrivere.