20:00 – 22:00
NUAIA (se/dk)
Sofie Norling – vokal og live-elektronik
Mika Forsling – elektrisk guitar, mbira, hankdrum og live-elektronik
Michala Østergaard-Nielsen – trommer, percussion, vibraphonette
Al musik er skrevet af Nuaia, tekst af Sofie Norling.
Den dansk-svenske gruppe Nuaia spiller fri-pop. En blanding af jazz, pop, frie improvisationer og electronica. I et univers, hvor sang, trommer og akustiske lyde møder det elektroniske lydlandskab skabes personlige fortællinger, som formidles med en sjælden intensitet og nærvær.
Nuaias andet album “belong to the moon” udkom foråret 2015 (BoogiePost Recordings), en personlig fri-pop manifestation, som gjorde et stort indtryk på både lyttere og anmeldere fra Skandinavien og Europa til Asien og USA. I foråret 2016 startede de et samarbejde med det Berlin baserede PR-bureau Snowhite, som efterfølgende har udgivet deres musik digitalt i GSA landene.
Derudover samarbejder de nu med det tyske management Makakali.
”A dream for many bands is to create their own, personal soundscapes. The trio nuaia has succeeded. The Danish-Swedish band transcends their own combination of pop and electronica”. –
Alexander Agrell/Sydsvenskan.
“…Nordic ensemble Nuaia’s music is delightfully unclassifiable and it uniquely transcend genres. Their sophomore release Belong to the Moon creates dream like, fantastical soundscapes that are
intensely intimate and thrillingly dramatic.” – Hrayr Attarian/All About Jazz/USA I
Nuaia er kendt for deres intense live-koncerter, og de har givet publikum nogle sjældne og smukke oplevelser, hvad enten det er pop-elskere, hardcore jazzfans eller alt derimellem.
Nuaia blev dannet i 2007 og udgav debut-albummet “nuaia” i 2009 (BoogiePost Recordings).
Anmeldelser af “belong to the moon”:
“Those of you who yet haven’t heard the group, but knows that you like tranquil, atmospheric and colorful music, have nearly 40 minutes of pure pleasure ahead of you. I can only congratulate you!” – Robert Rytmen/Zero Music Magazine
“The Nordic trio coming from Sweden and Denmark has produced a wonderful album. A mixture of evocative dream pop and melodic harmonies.” – Musikmarkt
”poetic ballads with dramatic restraint and great command.”- Eyal Hareuvini/All About Jazz/Israel
”She sings so beautifully that my heart aches. Without ornaments, almost with a folk-singer-ideal that makes me think of Monika Z”(…) To me the experience is, that you share something with somebody you don´t know or never have met, one of the greatest things about music. I´m very fond of the honest and beautiful half-hour-long world that Belong to the moon invites me into.” – Anna Berglund/OJ
”One of the most fascinating album creations I have heard this year. In a dreamy, soft atmosphere they bring us on a journey that includes everything from pure ambience to strong, dramatic pop.
The singer Sofie Norling has an intense presence which more than once jumps out of the speakers and seizes something inside of me.” – Meadow Music
“The Swedish-Danish constellation Nuaia is a fine, tiny delicate figure. A poetic band as with electronics, guitar and percussion behind the moving song creates transparent moments in
beautiful ballads full of substance. The sparkling and discreet sounds and moods creates a necessary need for crescendi.” – Allan Sommer/Jazzspecial
“(…) BELONG TO THE MOON, that balances between free improvisation, colorfully ethereal soundscapes and ingratiatingly pop (…) It´s breathtaking beautiful music; at the same time breezy
and floating and touching simple. The three musicians deserves attention.“ – Ole Nimand/Jazzspecial
“There is spirit in Nuaia.” – Dyvvlad/Adopte Undisque
Hjemmeside: http://www.nuaia.se/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/
Billetter i døren fra 19.30 a 100 DKK. Stud: 50 DKK.