19:30 – 21:00
Trio Azulejos
As an echo of a journey from Spain to the Ottoman Empire and North Africa, Azulejos creates a personal and unique version of Jewish traditional songs, whose roots are found in medieval Andalusia.
Jael Nordbek Azoulay: Vocals
Dalia Faitelson: Guitar, backing vocals, arrangements
Lisbeth Diers: percussion
Azulejos is a constellation of top professional female musicians that breathes new life into dramatic and poetic Ladino songs known as “Judeo-Spanish”, and the trio’s original arrangements mirror the musicians’ backgrounds in jazz, folk and oriental.
The Jews of Moorish Andalusia had great influence on the social and cultural life of medieval Spain. But when Andalusia was conquered by the Spanish Kings in 1492 non-Christians were forced to convert or emigrate. Therefore, the music of the Spanish Jews or Sephardim was brought to and has flourished in what was then the Ottoman Empire and in North Africa.
Ladino music has proved a means of preserving the vibrant culture of the Sephardic Jews and the Ladino language, which is considered very endangered and is only spoken by an aging, last generation of Jews from the Balkans, Greece and Turkey.
The lyrics tell stories of a life in exile through passionate, dramatic and quirky lyrics about among other things an evil sister, a human-like camel, the wrath of an orphan and unrequited love.
The band members have toured the world and their acknowledgements include several awards and nominations for the Danish Music Awards (both World and Jazz) and the awards Composer of the Year (DK) and The Danish Jazz Grammy.
The trio members Jael and Dalia share a Jewish/Israeli background with roots in the Balkans and North Africa. Percussionist Lisbeth Diers adds her unique interpretation of the music, which is firmly rooted in the open landscapes of her Scandinavian background.
Der synges på sproget ladino (jødisk spansk), og gruppens lyd afspejler medlemmernes baggrunde i jazz/folk. Musikken krydres med orientalske toner og et ekko af flamenco.
Azulejos er det eneste orkester, som spiller ladino i Danmark. En genre, der internationalt set har fået en gevaldig opblomstring de seneste år.
Trioens medlemmer har turneret verden tynd, modtaget en jazz grammy og været nomineret til utallige priser som Danish Music Awards (DMA) Jazz og World og Årets Komponistpris.Om Ladino-musikken
I maurernes Andalusien havde jøderne stor social og kulturel indflydelse. Men da landet blev kristnet i 1492, måtte de konvertere eller flygte. Ladinomusikken har bevaret et folks historier og kendskabet til et truet sprog, som nu kun tales af ganske få. Teksterne fortæller om et liv i eksil, en ondskabsfuld søster, en menneskelig kamel, et hittebarns vrede og forpurret kærlighed.MusikereJael Nordbek Azoulay: Vokal
Dalia Faitelson: Guitar, backing vokal, arrangør
Lisbeth Diers: Percussion