13:00 – 16:00
Sunday Sessions #9: Workshop med Fred Frith & gabby fluke-moguls
Sunday Sessions #9
(English below)
Sunday Sessions fortsætter med tre workshops i juni og juli i KoncertKirken!
Første workshop er med to prominente personer indenfor improvisation: Fred Frith og gabby fluke-moguls. De er gået sammen om at turnere med workshops gennem Europa og koncerter, og d. 2. juni rammer de KoncertKirken; først med en workshop og efterfølgende en koncert om aftenen med tilføjelsen af Lotte Anker arrangeret af KoncertKirken og ART FREQ
Link til koncerten her: https://www.facebook.com/events/797739498988884/
Link til koncerten her: https://www.facebook.com/events/797739498988884/
Workshoppen er gratis, men det kræver tilmelding forinden med navn og foretrukne instrument.
Tilmelding foregår her: sunday.sessions.koncertkirken@gmail.com
Tilmelding foregår her: sunday.sessions.koncertkirken@gmail.com
Der er kun 20 pladser, og det er først til mølle.
Workshoppen er primært for aldersgruppen mellem 16-30 år, men skulle der være pladser tilovers, så afskriver vi alderskravet. Derudover ønsker vi at gøre det klart, at alle er velkomne uanset køn eller etnicitet.
Mulit-instrumentalist, komponist og improvisator Fred Frith har skabt røre i næsten 50 år, begyndende med det ikoniske rockkollektiv Henry Cow, som han grundlagde sammen med Tim Hodgkinson i 1968.
Frith er best kendt for at pionere med den elektriske guitar, som improvisator, sangskriver og komponist for film, dans og teater. Gennem bands som Art Bears, Massacre, skeleton Crew, Keeep the dog, the Fred Frith Guitar Quartet og Cosa Brava har han altid kigget udad i forskellige retninger, men altid med udgangpunkt i sine rødder i rock og folkemusik.
gabby fluke-moguls er en New York baseret violinist, improvisator, komponist, underviser, organisator og doula?? Vævende mellem trådene af avantgarde og free jazz og med dybe rødder i improviseret og eksperimental musik, er deres musik blevet beskrevet som “embodied, visceral og virtuosic” (skal det oversættes?) og “the most striking sound in improvised music in years.”
gabby er taknemmelig for at have samarbejdet med Navn Dunkelman, Joanna Mattrey, Ava Mendoza, Charles Burnham, Fred Frith, Luke Stewart, Zeena Parkins, Tcheser Holmes, Lester St. Louis, William Parker, and Pauline Oliveros blandt mange andre musikere, poeter, dansere og visuelle kunstnere. fluke-moguls faciliterer improvisations workshops og kuraterer programmet for Creative Music Studio, er adjunkt på the New School og er p.t. artist in residence på Roulette Jerome.
Sunday Sessions er i samarbejde med KoncertKirken og støttet af KODA og Tuborgfondet.
Sunday Sessions continues with three workshops in June and July in KoncertKirken!
The first workshop is facilitated by two prominent persons within improvisation: Fred Frith and gabby fluke-moguls. They are touring through Europe with workshops and concerts, and on the 2. of June they will stop by KoncertKirken: first with a workshop and later in the evening with a concert with the addition of Lotte Anker organized by KoncertKirken and ART FREQ.
Link to the concert here: https://www.facebook.com/events/797739498988884/
Link to the concert here: https://www.facebook.com/events/797739498988884/
The workshop is free, but it requires (tilmelding) before with name and preferred instrument.
You can apply here: sunday.sessions.koncertkirken@gmail.com
You can apply here: sunday.sessions.koncertkirken@gmail.com
There is only 20 spots and it is first come first serve.
The Workshop is primarily for the age group 16-30 years old, but should there be spots open, then everyone is free to apply.
Sunday Sessions wish to make clear, that everyone despite gender or etnicitet is welcome to apply.
Sunday Sessions wish to make clear, that everyone despite gender or etnicitet is welcome to apply.
Multi-instrumentalist, composer, and improviser Fred Frith has been making noise of one kind or ano- ther for almost 50 years, starting with the iconic rock collective Henry Cow, which he co-founded with Tim Hodgkinson in 1968.
Fred is best known as a pioneering electric guitarist and improviser, song-writer, and composer for film, dance and theater. Through bands like Art Bears, Massacre, Skeleton Crew, Keep the Dog, the Fred Frith Guitar Quartet and Cosa Brava, he has stayed close to his roots in rock and folk music while branching out in many other directions.
Fred is best known as a pioneering electric guitarist and improviser, song-writer, and composer for film, dance and theater. Through bands like Art Bears, Massacre, Skeleton Crew, Keep the Dog, the Fred Frith Guitar Quartet and Cosa Brava, he has stayed close to his roots in rock and folk music while branching out in many other directions.
gabby fluke-mogul is a New York-based violinist, improviser, composer, educator, organizer and doula. Weaving within the threads of avant and free jazz, with deep roots in improvised and experimental music, their music has been described as “embodied, visceral and virtuosic” and “the most striking sound in improvised music in years”.
gabby is humbled to have collaborated with Nava Dunkelman, Joanna Mattrey, Ava Mendoza, Charles Burnham, Fred Frith, Luke Stewart, Zeena Parkins, Tcheser Holmes, Lester St. Louis, William Parker, and Pauline Oliveros among many other musicians, poets, dancers and visual artists. gfm facilitates improvisation workshops & curates programming for Creative Music Studio, is adjunct faculty at the New School, and is a current Roulette Jerome Artist in Residence.
Sunday Sessions is collaborating with KoncertKirken and supported by KODA and Tuborgfondet.