Simon Toldam solopiano, performing Mellemrum
A rare chance to hear Simon Toldam play solo.
Humans have long been fascinated by time and space – concepts inspiring millennia of artistic exploration and philosophical reflection.
In the space between activities and motions, between sounds and notes, there is time to digest, time to be curious, and time to be present.
Studies in this field with his trio – resulting in the album Omhu (“Best danish jazzalbum of the year 2019”) – has led him to compose material for solo piano, in order to explore even deeper into this musical mindset.
The music is displaying Toldam´s musical patience and vibrant timbre, and is partly composed partly improvised.
A recording of these pieces is planned for 2021.
BILLETTER a 100 DKK per koncert / Stud: 50 DKK sælges i døren.
Udendørskoncerterne er gratis.
Husk Coronapas!
Cph Jazz Festival @ KoncertKirken 2021 støttes af Statens Kunstfond, Københavns Kommune, William Demant Fonden, Augustinus Fonden, Dansk Musiker Forbund m.fl.