Release-koncert! Efstathiou/Dyrnes (GR/NO) features the piano-cello duet in an acoustic chamber play, drawing analogies to the world of abstract electronic music. They focus their compositions on textural improvisations, intertwining the cello and the piano, in an expression that is tactile, lyrical and attentive. Driven by a fascination of sonic substance they use preparations and extended techniques, always exploring and challenging the possibilities of their instruments. This is the release concert for their debut album Kyaness.
Bandcamp: https://zoeefstathiou-odadyrnes.bandcamp.com/album/kyaness
Foto: Veronica Isabelle Ulrikkeholm
BILLETTER a 100 DKK per koncert / Stud: 50 DKK sælges i døren.
Udendørskoncerterne er gratis.
Husk Coronapas!
Cph Jazz Festival @ KoncertKirken 2021 støttes af Statens Kunstfond, Københavns Kommune, William Demant Fonden, Augustinus Fonden, Dansk Musiker Forbund m.fl.