19:00 – 22:00
Music4Aida x KoncertKirken: Benefit Concert
Har du lyst til at støtte kreative initiativer for børn og unge i Aida Refugee Camp og samtidig få en fed musikoplevelse? Så kom til vores velgørenhedskoncert og nyd en masse skøn musik fredag d. 11/12! KoncertKirken har været så søde at samarbejde med os om dette event, og det er vi meget taknemmelige for. Vi glæder os til at høre noget god musik sammen med jer!
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1. Agnes Ea
Agnes Ea trækker os med ind i sit magiske og mytiske univers. Den 11. december er de store elektroniske lydflader pakket væk og tilbage står sangene i deres helt rå form, kun akkompagneret af hendes firstrengede banjo. Agnes er inspireret af sangskrivere som Feist, Adrianne Lenker, Trish Keenan, Fiona Apple og mange flere. Hendes musik er rensende som en vinterbadetur ovenpå juledagene, så kom og lad dig rense lidt før juleræset for alvor sætter ind!
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2. Alice – Akkompagneret af Liva på Cello
I Alices univers smelter klare melodier sammen med eventyrlige fortællinger om menneske og natur. Den 11. december sætter Alice for første gang sangene fri i et nøgent akkompagnement af klaver og cello. Alices musik inviterer dig til ind i sansningernes palads for at høre lidt af urkræfternes utæmmede sang.
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3. Alexander Wrede Elung
Information er på vej!
Information er på vej!
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I Music4Aida tror vi på, at musik kan have stor positiv indflydelse på børns velvære – særligt i konfliktzoner. Derfor bidrager vores non-profit organisation til gratis musikundervisning for børn og unge i Aida Refugee Camp i Betlehem, Palæstina. Gratis musikundervisning udbydes hos vores lokale samarbejdspartner Aida Youth Center, som arbejder helhedsorienteret for at sikre en bedre hverdag for børn og unge i lejeren.
I Music4Aida tror vi på, at musik kan have stor positiv indflydelse på børns velvære – særligt i konfliktzoner. Derfor bidrager vores non-profit organisation til gratis musikundervisning for børn og unge i Aida Refugee Camp i Betlehem, Palæstina. Gratis musikundervisning udbydes hos vores lokale samarbejdspartner Aida Youth Center, som arbejder helhedsorienteret for at sikre en bedre hverdag for børn og unge i lejeren.
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Do you want to support creative initiatives for children and youth in Bethlehem and get a great music experience? Then you should join us at this benefit concert!
KoncertKirken has been so kind to collaborate with us on this event, and we are very grateful. We cannot wait to listen to some beautiful music with all of you!
Do you want to support creative initiatives for children and youth in Bethlehem and get a great music experience? Then you should join us at this benefit concert!
KoncertKirken has been so kind to collaborate with us on this event, and we are very grateful. We cannot wait to listen to some beautiful music with all of you!
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1. Agnes Ea
Agnes Ea invites us into her magical universe and on the 11th of December she will play her songs in an acoustic version only accompanied by her banjo. Her music is more cleansing than winter swimming so come to the concert and let her music cleanse you before Christmas begins!
2. Alice – accompanied by Liva on the cello
In Alice’s universe clear melodies blend with marvellous stories about human being and nature. On the 11th of December Alice releases her songs, for the first time, in a simple musical accompaniment with piano and cello. Alice’s music invites you into the palace of senses to listen to the song of untamed prehistoric forces.
3. Alexander Wrede Elung
Information will be available soon!
Information will be available soon!
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In Music4Aida we believe that playing music can have a great impact on the well-being and the futures of children in conflict zones. Therefore, our non-profit Copenhagen based organization provides free music lesson for children and youth in Aida Refugee Camp located in Bethlehem, Palestine. The free music lessons are facilitated through our local partner Aida Youth Center who work to secure a better everyday life for children and youth in Aida Camp.
In Music4Aida we believe that playing music can have a great impact on the well-being and the futures of children in conflict zones. Therefore, our non-profit Copenhagen based organization provides free music lesson for children and youth in Aida Refugee Camp located in Bethlehem, Palestine. The free music lessons are facilitated through our local partner Aida Youth Center who work to secure a better everyday life for children and youth in Aida Camp.
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