16.04.2016 – 17.04.2016
18:00 – 01:00
WELCOME ALL OF YOU – ITS FREE – come to the first MICRO MACRO HABITAT LOUNGE – a kind of informative event, an inspirering lab a possibility to mingle, eat, drink & later even DANCE with like minded people – a forum to meet new “conscious holistic hedonists” – people who are probably interested in LIVing amazingly with a lot less – and having a fabsnastic time & LIFE as well.
If you want to come please sign up on our facebook page – so we know app how many are coming – but do bring friends…
This first MMH LOUNGE is called LIVing – living in community or just living together or side by side or on top of each other – or others way of LIVing better with others.
The MICRO MACRO HABITAT LOUNGE programme April 16th 2016:
18.00 – come and lounge…..have a drink – and maybe a snack and chat…There will be cocktails and yes it will be possible to “minglework” – and chat about LIVing together – write your expectation on what your perception of MICRO LIVING is…
18.30 – LOUNGE-talk & chat on MICRO LIVING – with NIELS PETER FLINT and guests
NPF will continue where he started in 2009 with his TEDx talk on Micro living:
His guests will all be people who work with MICRO LIVING one way or another – among others:
– Managing Partner in Momentum R&D Michael Sheikh – on why some in the building industry sees micro housing as a new very viable market niche
– Designer Simon Kolf – on a new very innovative water micro recycling system in your home.
– Københavns Førevareforsyning – on micro scale local production and suply of vegetables and food in general
– King Ray Kunta Kinte – on micro living in modern Africa
– Action Philosopher Oleg Koefoed: How do we work with micro-organizing that optimizes personal freedom and organizational value? Organizing better and less for more! An action-philosophical input.
– Dada Krsnasevananda from Ananda Marga – on how to live MICRO modest – and a micro meditation
– and maybe others…….
We will also share your inputs from the start – and make themes for the lounge groups where you casually can continue to chat and mingle – while eating – about how to live together in micro communities in the future – you might want to make a small video or some other input which can be put on the new MICRO MACRO HABITAT VLOG / Blog – you might just want to eat, relax and then start dancing….it will all be very “loungie” and relaxed….
We will eat – CHEAP & CHEERFUL …. AMAZING WITH A LOT LESS (and no waste) … you will be surprised – but please support the evening by eating here – very low prices… and all ORGANIC, delicious, some will be AFRICAN, some will be RAW FOOD etc….
We end the evening with DANCE & lounging starting from app. 22.00 and goes on till late – King Ray Kunta Kinte (https://www.facebook.com/KingrayG?fref=ts) will stear the NEW AFRICAN DANCE MOVES …put your dancing mood and maybe dancing shoes on…there might be surprises…or you might be surprised…
You can read more about the background for the MMH LOUNGE here:
Hvis du er yderligere interesseret i at får mere at vide om MICRO LIVING kan du booke Niels Peter Flint til foredrag eller workshops – se mere her – på dansk:
If you are interested in knowing more about MICRO LIVING please feel free to book Niels Peter Flint to come and give either a talk or a workshop: