Lotte Anker Sub Habitat
The Sub Habitat is an open and fluid version of Lotte Ankers: Electric Habitat originally premiered
at Donaueschinger Musiktage, Germany in 2015.
Through 2020/21 Sub Habitat will gather in Copenhagen in a number of laboratory sessions exploring new sonic material and it’s possibilities and potentials, musical processes ao.
Tonights concert reflects Session 3.
Consisting of eminent improvisers/musicians on the European/Global scene for experimental music and improv, the Sub Habitat explores multiple and adventurous sonic landscapes – from complex and dense mosaics of layered microhabitats to airy textures and wide open spaces.
The Sub Habitat musicians are known from numerous groups and collaborations: What River Ensemble, Anker,Taborn,Cleaver, Evan Parker, Fred Frith, Gush, Fire! Orchestra, Les Femmes Savantes, Sawt Out, Sven-Åke Johansson, Karkhana, HanoiºBerlin, Splitter Orchestra and many more.
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BILLETTER a 100 DKK per koncert / Stud: 50 DKK sælges i døren.
Husk Coronapas!
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Cph Jazz Festival @ KoncertKirken 2021 støttes af Statens Kunstfond, Københavns Kommune, William Demant Fonden, Augustinus Fonden, Dansk Musiker Forbund, Nørrebro Lokaludvalg m.fl.