20:00 – 22:00
Lehn/Anker/Solborg (DE/DK)
I december gæster mesteren af den analoge synthesizer, tyske Thomas Lehn, København. Besøget er initieret af Mark Solborg i samarbejde med Goethe-Institut Dänemark og Cinemateket.
Lehn har parallelt med sit arbejde som pianist udviklet særegent sprog inden for elektronisk musik. Han har optrådt og udgivet med mange af den europæiske avantgardemusiks store navne, bl.a. Marcus Schmickler, Keith Rowe, John Butcher, Phil Minton, Paul Lovens og Axel Dörner. Han er også del af det elektroniske orkester M.I.M.E.O. og free impro-bandet Konk Pack. Lehns instrument består i særdeleshed en EMS Synthi A hvis opbygning tillader ham at interagere direkte med den skabende musikalske proces live.
Denne aften udforsker Lehn sammen med saxofonisten Lotte Anker og guitaristen Mark Solborg Koncertkirken.
Lotte Anker er en helt central del af den danske eksperimenterende jazz og improvisations scene. Hendes musik inkluderer både melodisk (ofte fragmenterede) elementer og mere abstrakt teksturelt materiale og spænder fra det minimalistiske og transparente til tæt og mørk ekspressionisme. Hun har bl.a. initieret og ledet et antal internationalt roste samarbejder og grupper som f.eks Anker/Taborn/Cleaver og en trio med Sylvie Courvoisier og Ikue Mori. Lotte rejser i disse år intensivt over hele verdenen med sin musik.
Mark Solborg har med 19 internationale udgivelser som leder og co-leder i samarbejder med bl.a. Evan Parker, Axel Dörner, Mats Eilertsen, Herb Robertson, Christian Skjødt o.a. sat tydelige personlige aftryk. For nyligt med en rumlig undersøgelse og multimedie-udgivelse, Omdrejninger, I samarbejde med Christian Skjødt, Axel Dörner, Ingar Zach m. fl. Han arbejder til stadighed med nye undersøgelser af musikalske universer både live og i studiet. P.t. bl.a. med den dansk italienske kammer-trio Maniscalco/Bigoni/Solborg, et soloprojekt og talrige andre konstellationer – ofte i en nutidig kammermusikalsk kontekst.
Lehn/Anker/Solborg (DE/DK)
The master of analogue synth, Thomas Lehn, is visiting Copenhagen in December. The invitation is initiated by Mark Solborg in collaboration with Goethe Institut Dänemark and Cinemateket.
Lehn has, parallel to his work as a pianist, since the early 1990s developed his major and widely reknown work has been performing and producing live-electronic music. Rooted in the experience of a wide spectrum of musical fields based on his background as an interpreting and improvising pianist in classical-, contemporary and jazz-music and having been involved in numerous other projects like music theatre, dance, multi-media, studio pre-/post-production etc., he has formed an individual ‘language’ of electronic music.
The electronic equipment he uses consists of analogue synthesizers of the late 1960s, and since 1994 in particular the EMS Synthi A. Besides the substantial sound qualities of its analogue synthesis, the facilities of this modular instrument – for example to modify electronic sounds very directly as well as to combine and to control several parameters of the sound synthesis at the same time – allows him to spontaneously act in close contact with the various structural degrees of the musical process.
His musical activities enclosure long term and newer ensemble collaborations as well as involvements in numerous specific single projects.
Long term collaborations are ensembles like KONK PACK, TOOT, THERMAL, FUTCH, MIMEO, SPEAK EASY, 6IX, VARIO-34, as well as the duo works with Marcus Schmickler, Tiziana Bertoncini, Gerry Hemingway, Paul Lovens, Frédéric Blondy Urs Leimgruber and John Butcher. More recently formed ensembles are the duos with Benoît Moreau and with the video artist Kjell Bjørgeengen, trio formations with John Butcher involving pianists John Tilbury and Matthew Shipp,
This evening he will investigate the space of KoncertKirken with saxophonist Lotte Anker and guitarist Mark Solborg.
Lotte Anker is a Copenhagen-based saxophone player and composer working in the field between experimental jazz/improvisation and contemporary music.
Her music includes both melodic (often twisted or fragmented) elements and more abstract textural material and covers a wide territory from minimal, transparency to dense and dark expressionism. Lotte Anker has been initiator and bandleader of a number of highly acclaimed collaborations and groups such as Anker, Taborn, Cleaver (w/ Craig Taborn and Gerald Cleaver), Trio with Sylvie Courvoisier and Ikue Mori, to name a few.
Lotte has performed at major festivals and concert spaces in most of Europe, USA, Canada, Asia, Africa and the Middle-East and has also played and toured with Marilyn Crispell, Herb Robertson, Tim Berne, Okkyung Lee, Paal Nilssen-Love, Joelle Leandre, Raymond Strid, Sten Sandell, Andrew Cyrille, Phil Minton, Fred Lonberg-Holm, Peter Friis-Nielsen and many others.
Mark Solborg has, with 19 international releases as a leader and co-leader made clear and personal imprints in collaboration with such artists as Evan Parker, Herb Robertson, Mats Eilertsen, Axel Dörner a.o. Recently his spatial investigations with Christian Skjødt, Dörner, Ingar Zach a.o. was released in a highly acclaimed multimedia release on the label ILK.
He continues to work with investigations of intriguing musical universes, both live and in the studio. Recently also with the Danish/Italian chamber trio Maniscalco/Bigoni/Solborg, a solo project and numerous other constellations – often in a contemporary chamber musical context.