20:00 – 22:00
KoncertKirken Organ Sound Art Festival – 14-18 maj 2018
ONSDAG 16 MAJ 20.00
Jørgen Teller & Jeppe Zeeberg
Antti Tolvi (fi) & Christian Skjødt
KoncertKirken Organ Sound Art Festival er en 5-dages musik- og lydkunstfestival i KoncertKirken på Blågårds Plads, som i år løber af stabelen den 14-18. maj.
15 danske og internationale kunstnere præsenterer her musik- og lydværker, der tager udgangspunkt i kirkens romantiske hovedorgel (Marcussen, 1926), og kirkens særlige rum og akustik, ofte sammen med forskellige elektroniske processer.
Festivalen ønsker at udforske relationen mellem lyd, musik og arkitektur samt promovere nye kreative møder mellem de deltagende kunstnere.
Der er to koncerter med 2 solister eller duos hver aften. Værkerne som præsenteres er alle direkte komponerede, eller skabte live, til festivalen.
Tickets: 100 DKK / stud: 50 DKK per evening.
Partout: 300 DKK / stud: 150 DKK
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Antti Tolvi (fi) & Christian Skjødt
Antti Tolvi – Organ / Paiste Symphonic 32″ and Paiste Symphonic Brilliant 32″ gongs
Christian Skjødt – Self-built synthesizer and other electronics
Antti & Chr (FI/DK) is a new project between two of the key figures of the scene in Finland and Denmark experimenting with sound.
The project is an attempt to melt together the analogue sounds a self-built synthesizer with the amazingly richness of orchestra gongs / church organ, and herein create a situation of slowly developing and highly immersive sonic structures.
The duo is currently working on their debut album.
This project started when Antti Tolvi (FI) and Christian Skjødt (DK) met at E.M.S. elektronmusikstudion in Stockholm, Sweden late 2017. Both were working there as guest composers. Both having background in improvised music, Christian with percussion and Antti on saxophones and flutes. But now both has moved to other forms of working with sound. Antti and Chrisitian started to hang out after the working days in the studios. Gallery openings, concerts, busy Stockholm nights. Antti had his Gongs with him and he needed a Gong boy or Gong girl. A Gong boy/girl is the one who helps caring gong´s to different places. Antti had two shows during that residency, so a Gong boy/girl was needed. Christian was willing to take the job. However Christian also brought a series of self-built oscillators to Stockholm.
Antti Tolvi was born at the farm in Panelia, small village at west coast of Finland. Antti is self learned composer, performer and sound artist. He has played over 200 shows around world inc. China, Japan and USA. There is 13 solo records under Antti’s name and Antti has been part of over 50 record as composer and/or musician.
Christian Skjødt is an artist and composer born i Aalborg, Denmark. He now lives and works in Copenhagen. Christian has been showing sound art installations and performing throughout Europa, and furthermore in North America and South Asia. He appears on more than 30 records and has released four solo albums.
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Jørgen Teller & Jeppe Zeeberg – “Organ Attack 31”
“Organ Attack 31” for kirkeorgel og live elektronik tager sit udgangspunkt i 31 noterede klange. Disse intoneres i ultrakorte ansatser som optages med boom-mikes live og sendes igennem lydbehandlinger og devices som modulations delay, comb filter, amp-simulationer, lfo-panorering og stammende gates fra en trommemaskine.
Hvert orgel-anslag varer omkring 1-5 sekunder og er starten på en serie lyd-rejser – der varer ganske kort og op til halvandet minut. Partituret vil byde på interageren med organistens solistiske bidrag og på tilføjede klange og soniske bas-intervaller.
Organist: Jeppe Zeeberg
Live Elektronik: Jørgen Teller
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KoncertKirken Organ Sound Art Festival 2018 is supported by Statens Kunstfond, Københavns Kommune, KODA Kultur, Agustinus Fonden, Knud Højgaards Fond.