20:00 – 21:30
KLANG Festival: Debut | Allan Gravgaard Madsen
Den 26. maj 2017 debuterer jeg fra Solistklassen på Det Jyske Musikkonservatorium i Lille Sal, Musikhuset Aarhus. Dagen efter gentages hele herligheden i KoncertKirken, Nørrebro, København i samarbejde med KLANG Festival. Kom og fejr det med mig!
Link til Aarhus-event: https://www.facebook.com/
JACK Quartet (US)
Mathias Kjøller, klarinet (DK)
Billetter kan nu købes via link!
DKK 100 / 70: http://bit.ly/2qrWh2Q
DEBUT er støttet af Dansk Komponistforening / KODA’s kulturelle midler, Toyota Fonden, Det Jyske Musikkonservatorium, KLANG Festival, SNYK, Aarhus Kommunes Musikudvalg, Det Kgl. Danske Musikkonservatorium, AUT – Aarhus Unge Tonekunstnere, Dansk Musikerforbund og Edition·S.
I will take my final exam (the socalled) Debut from the Advanced Postgraduate Diploma in Composition at the Royal Academy of Music, Aarhus, the 26th of May 2017. Please join me in Lille Sal, Musikhuset Aarhus.
The day after – 27th of May 2017 – the event is repeated at KoncertKirken, Nørrebro, Copenhagen, in collaboration with KLANG Festival. Please come and celebrate with me!
Link to Aarhus-event: https://www.facebook.com/
JACK Quartet (US)
Mathias Kjøller, clarinet (DK)
Tickets now available!
DKK 100 / 70: http://bit.ly/2qrWh2Q
DEBUT is supported by Danish Composers’ Society/KODAs Cultural Funds, The Toyota Fond, Royal Academy of Music, Aarhus, KLANG Festival, SNYK, Aarhus Kommunes Musikudvalg, Royal Danish Academy of Music, Copenhagen, AUT – Aarhus Unge Tonekunstnere, Danish Musicians’ Union and Edition·S.
Se mere på KLANG – Copenhagen Avantgarde Music Festival.