20:30 – 22:30
Strangely Familiar
Strangely Familiar brings together works that toy with our relationship to everyday spaces, sounds, objects, technologies, and the automatic, repetitive behaviours that litter our daily routines.
In ‘ctrl+Y’, Matthew Grouse looks for the latently musical and absurd in the act of typing. Joanna Bailie’s audiovisual piece ‘He just missed the train’ examines what it must have been like to see the world anew, at a higher speed, after the advent of the steam train. Louis d’Heudieres foregrounds the performers’ relationship to the quotidian in ‘Laughter Studies no.3’, namely human-produced sounds that usually occur spontaneously or involuntarily. Caitlin Rowley works with sounds suggested by interactions with paper – drawing, erasing, cutting, crumpling, and allowing paper to uncrumple itself. In the premiere of Joss Smith’s ‘Misattributed signifiers’, performers look for connections where they might not find them. The work gradually plays with the limits of information that can be mimicked, eroding and subverting perceivable imitative connections.
Caitlin Rowly: Paper (2016-17)
Matthew Grouse: ctrl+y (2021)
Matthew Grouse: ctrl+y (2021)
– Intermission –
Joss Smith: Misattributed Signifiers (2022, premiere)
Joanna Bailie: He just missed the train (2020)
Louis d’Heudieres: Laughter Studies no. 3 (2016)
Joanna Bailie: He just missed the train (2020)
Louis d’Heudieres: Laughter Studies no. 3 (2016)
Curated with Matthew Grouse.
Rob Durnin [keys]
Hsiao-Tung Yuan [percussion]
Ida Nørby [cello]
Mikkel Schou [guitar]
Joss Smith [clarinet, flute]
Admission: 50 kr [students 25 kr] / MobilePay at door
K!ART [klart] is a post-instrumental ensemble and creative platform based in Copenhagen. The ensemble puts on DIY-flavored, intermedial music events. Experimental instrumental music, multimedia, performance art, and a holistic approach to curation taking into account staging and dramaturgy shapes the ensemble’s vision. A pluralistic approach without aesthetical discrimination to collaborations often results in adventurous and ambitious projects created by young and upcoming artists.
K!ART’s concert series in 2022 is made possible with support from Statens Kunstfond, Det Obelske Familiefone, KODA Kultur, Kirsten og Gunners Fond, William Demant, Knud Højgaards Fond, Aage og Louis-Hansens Fond, Music City Aarhus, Solistforeningen af 1921, Københavns Kommunes Musikudvalg, Frederiksberg Kommunes Musikudvalg, Dansk Musiker Forbund, Aarhus Kommunes Musikudvalg and Nordic Culture Point.
The commission of Misattributed Signifiers was made possible by Statens Kunstfond and Dansk Komponist Forening/KODA.