14:00 – 17:00
Mindekoncert for Butch Lacy
En koncert, en hilsen til Butch, fra musikere og kunstnere han har påvirket med sit spil og sin formidling.
Vi ønsker at dele et rum af kunst, musik og stilhed i ære for den resonans Butch har slået an.
Arrangeret af familie, venner og kollegaer.
Støttet af KoncertKirken og DMF Djursland.
Memorial concert for Butch Lacy.
A concert, a greeting to Butch, from musicians and artists he has influenced through his music and communication.
We wish to share an afternoon of art, music and silence in honor of the resonance Butch has created.
Arranged by family, friends and colleagues.
Supported by KoncertKirken and DMF Djursland.
Line Up:
Jesper Løvdal
Suzanne Brøgger
Agnete Bertram
Bob Rockwell
Kresten Osgood
Carsten Dahl
Nils Bo Davidssen
Martin Schack
Peter Rosendahl
Frederik Sakham
Marius Ungureanu
Thomas Eiler
Christian Windfeld
Gratis adgang (indendørs)
CPH JAZZ FESTIVAL @ KONCERTKIRKEN is supported by Statens Kunstfond, Københavns Kommune, Knud Højgaards Fond, Oticon Fonden, Augustinus Fonden
Partners: Cph Jazz Festival, Goethe Instituttet, ToneArt, The Community