22:00 – 23:00
Fiil Free (dk/pl/se)
Tomasz Dabrowski (PL) – trompet
Henrik Pultz Melbye (DK) – saxofon, clarinet
Henrik Olsson (SE) – guitar
Martin Fabricius (DK) – vibrafon
Lars Fiil (DK) – piano
Casper Nyvang Rask (DK) – kontrabas
Bjørn Heebøll (DK) – trommer
“Overall this album is another proof that the young European improvising scene is alive and kicking like never before, creating a melting pot of influences between Scandinavian, East and West European cultures, forging a strong jazz culture, which hopefully will last for a long time and keep developing in the process. Not to be missed by any free jazz fans anywhere in the world!”
– Adam Baruch (PL), The Soundtrack Of My Life
Fiil Free består af syv musikere fra et bredt udsnit af den danske jazzscene. Med udgangspunkt i kompositioner af pianist Lars Fiil bevæger musikken sig dynamisk fra lyriske toner til ekspressive, kollektive improvisationer og gedigne grooves på et øjeblik. Her er både passager for vibrafon og knitrende klaver, bløde buestrøg på guitar, bas og bækkener og luftstrømme, der hvirvler ud og ind af buet messing og klarinetter.
I 2016 udgav de debutalbummet Everything Is A Translation. Det blev modtaget med store roser fra ind- og udland og kom med på jazzblogger Niels Overgårds liste over årets 10 bedste jazzudgivelser.
De arbejder for tiden på deres næste album, og denne koncert giver en unik mulighed for at høre den nye musik fremført live for første gang.
De kunstneriske valg er modne og varierede. En komposition som ’You Should Say’ eksemplificerer, hvor lidt der skal til af musikalske elementer for at skabe et fascinerende forløb, og i pladens afsluttende nummer folder musikkens kollektive væsen vingerne ud med storhed.
Christian Munch-Hansen, Politiken (4 stjerner)
“Everything Is A Translation is one of those CDs that opens doors and windows in musical minds. Using seven musicians who interpret each other’s music so acutely was a stroke of genius on Lars part so, take the plunge, let Lars lead and trust the music created by this exceptional septet take you into a land of wonders.”
Sammy Stein, Jazz In Europe
“Overall this album is another proof that the young European improvising scene is alive and kicking like never before, creating a melting pot of influences between Scandinavian, East and West European cultures, forging a strong jazz culture, which hopefully will last for a long time and keep developing in the process. Not to be missed by any free jazz fans anywhere in the world!”
Adam Baruch (PL), The Soundtrack Of My Life
Fiil Free consists of seven musicians from a wide selection of the vibrant Danish jazzscene. Using pianist Lars Fiils compositions as a starting point, the music moves dynamically from lyric melodies to expressive, collective improvisations and solid grooves in a heartbeat. It offers passages for vibraphone and crackling piano, soft bow strokes on guitar, bas and cymbals and streams of air that whirls in and out of bended brass and clarinet.
They released their debutalbum ‘Everything Is A Translation’ in 2016. It received great praise both from home and abroad, and it made it onto acclaimed jazzblogger Niels Overgaards list of the best releases of 2016.
They are currently working on their next album, and this concert offers a unique opportunity to hear the new music for the first time.
“Everything Is A Translation is one of those CDs that opens doors and windows in musical minds. Using seven musicians who interpret each other’s music so acutely was a stroke of genius on Lars part so, take the plunge, let Lars lead and trust the music created by this exceptional septet take you into a land of wonders.”
Sammy Stein, Jazz In Europe
Entré: 100 dkk / Stud. 50 dkk
Arrangeret i samarbejde med ToneArt.
CPH JAZZ FESTIVAL @ KONCERTKIRKEN is supported by Statens Kunstfond, Københavns Kommune, Knud Højgaards Fond, Oticon Fonden, Augustinus Fonden
Partners: Cph Jazz Festival, Goethe Instituttet, ToneArt, The Community, Polish Danish Jazz Days