20:00 – 21:00
Soma Allpass/Lil Lacy/Haruhiko Okabe (dk/jp)
Soma Allpass – voice & cello
Lil Lacy – voice & cello
Haruhiko Okabe – voice & hiciriki
Soma & Lil + Haruhiko Okabe spiller Gagaku, som er 1300 år gammel japansk tempelmusik kompositioner, arrangeret for hichiriki og to celli. Musikken føres videre i improvisationer og egne kompositioner inspireret af Gagaku.
Soma & Lil + Haruhiko Okabe play Gagaku that is ancient, 1300 year old, Japanese temple music compositions arranged for hiciriki and two cellos. The music will continue into improvisations and original compositions inspired by Gagaku.
Entré: 100 dkk / Stud. 50 dkk
CPH JAZZ FESTIVAL @ KONCERTKIRKEN is supported by Statens Kunstfond, Københavns Kommune, Knud Højgaards Fond, Oticon Fonden, Augustinus Fonden
Partners: Cph Jazz Festival, Goethe Instituttet, ToneArt, The Community, Polish Danish Jazz Days