23:00 – 23:30
Copenhagen Jazz Festival 2019
Jesper Zeuthen – alto saxophone
Jacob Anderskov – piano
Anders Vestergaard – drums
Sidste år udgav Jesper Zeuthen / Jacob Anderskov / Anders Vestergaard det anmelderroste album “Out of the Spectacle” på ILK music. Pladen er indspillet live i Koncertkirken under Copenhagen Jazz Festival 2017, og nu er trioen tilbage i Koncertkirken.
Gruppens musik er en krystalisering af et flerårigt samarbejde mellem de tre improvisationsmusikere fra tre forskellige generationer, der placerer sig et sted mellem tekstural improvisation, ekspressiv freejazz og abstrakt soul. Det er direkte og fysisk musik der møder publikum på både udfordrende og forsonende vis, og som i følelsesmæssig forstand er rummelig og flerdimensionel. Trioen har udviklet et personligt sammenspil hvor influenser, dynamikker og intentioner svæver frit mellem hinanden, fletter sig sammen i synergi og splintres i abstraktion, og hvor målet er at skabe plads fremfor at tage plads. Det er en slags forsonende blues til det store spektakel.
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Last year Jesper Zeuthen / Jacob Anderskov / Anders Vestergaard released the critically acclaimed album “Out of the Spectacle” on ILK Music. The album is recorded in Koncertkirken during the 2017 Copenhagen Jazz Festival, and now the trio is back in Koncertkirken again.
The music is a crystallization of a continuing collaboration between three Danish improvising musicians from three different generations, that places itself somewhere between textural improvisation, expressive free jazz and abstract soul. They have created a non-conceptual and bodily music that meets the audience in a both challenging and atoning way, emotionally multidimensional and spacious, and they have developed a personal interplay where influences, dynamics and intensions floats freely between each other, melts together in synergy and explodes in abstraction, and where the aim is to create space instead of filling it up. A sort of reconciliatory blues to the great spectacle.
All About Jazz:
“These three musicians seem to dig at the roots of music, trying to find a language that is both new and fresh and old and forgotten.”
Salt Peanuts:
“A masterpiece, in my opinion!”
Downbeat Magazine:
“The recording opens with an extended duo passage between pianist and drummer, summoning a herky-jerk propulsion, before Zeuthen’s cool alto enters, blowing probing lines with a vibrato-rich nasal tone. The trio coalesces around his lines, which roam freely but remain deeply engaged with the action around him. As the record unfolds, Zeuthen injects some Balkan-style melody, as well as Ayleresque intensity, turning up the vibrato, while the other musicians powerfully prod and respond.”
Copenhagen Jazz Festival @ KoncertKirken er støttet af Statens Kunstfond, Københavns Kommune, Knud Højgaards Fond, Oticon Fonden, Dansk Musiker Forbund, Nørrebro Lokaludvalg.