23:00 – 23:55
Copenhagen Jazz Festival 2019
Jeppe Zeeberg SOLO
Jeppe Zeeberg er en af den danske musikscenes mest originale og egenrådige pianister/komponister. Hans musik er blevet kaldt “A beautiful, convincing proposal for how modern jazz or contemporary music may sound” af All About Jazz, og han er aktiv i utallige sammenhænge, både som bandleder og som del af kultbandet Horse Orchestra.
Denne aften optræder Zeeberg som solopianist med udgangs punkt i hans album Eight Seemingly Unrelated Pieces of Piano Music fra sidste år. Alverdens genrer og udtryk blandes sammen i en helt personlig improvisationspræget stil med lige dele humor og alvor. Som Jazzspecial beskrev albummet: “Jeppe Zeeberg efterlader ingen tvivl: Han har skabt et mesterstykke, hvor han står på kunstens side – der hvor det glade og skønne ikke undslår sig foreningen med det dystre og smertelige”
If Zeeberg isn’t a genius then he certainly ranks pretty close to one. – All About Jazz
Jeppe Zeeberg is one of Denmark’s most original, personal and headstrong pianists/composers. His music has been described as “A beautiful, convincing proposal for how modern jazz or contemporary music may sound” by All About Jazz, and he is working in a variety of different constellations, both as bandleader and as part of the cult band Horse Orchestra.
This evening Zeeberg will be performing solo, drawing on material from his 2018 album Eight Seemingly Unrelated Pieces of Piano Music. All kinds of different genres and styles are mixed into one personal improvisation-based stew, with equal parts humor and seriousness. As Jazzspecial put it in their album review: “Jeppe Zeeberg leaves no doubt: He has created a masterpiece in which he sides with art itself – where the happy and beautiful do not elude unification with the dark and painful.”
If Zeeberg isn’t a genius then he certainly ranks pretty close to one. – All About Jazz
Copenhagen Jazz Festival @ KoncertKirken er støttet af Statens Kunstfond, Københavns Kommune, Knud Højgaards Fond, Oticon Fonden, Dansk Musiker Forbund, Nørrebro Lokaludvalg.