17:00 – 19:00
The Community presents: KØS + Devin Gray (US) & Friends
Maria Dybbroe (altsax)
Valdemar Kragelund (kontrabas)
Kristian Isholm Saarup (trommer)
KØS tager sit udgangspunkt i stærke sangbare melodier hvorfra der spindes musikalske net, som kan gå i mange retninger, og ofte danner nye melodier i sig selv, men som uundgåeligt forbliver en del af den sammenhængende associationsrække.
Nogle gange er det et spinkelt tema som får lov til at brede sig og vokse vildt. Andre gange er det kraftige unisone klangflader eller energisk polyfoni der snor sig frem og udmunder i skrøbelige stille landskaber. Nye
former og farver skabes før der måske søges tilbage til roden. Rejsen er det spændende – og nærvær og udsagn er essentielt.
Devin Gray (US)
An artist interested in multiple musical directions and one who strives for quality and sincerity in his work. His exciting energy has compelled him towards many different musical directions and projects. Considered by his contemporaries as cutting edge, Gray shows promise as an artist that will not only move the music forward, but one who will share his unique musical vision with the world of music.
Devin Gray’s fresh approach to modern drumming has enabled him to play with many of America’s great jazz musicians. He has performed and recorded with innovative musicians of contrasting styles and backgrounds such as: David Liebman, Tony Malaby, Gary Thomas, Ingrid Jensen, Dave Burrell, Dave Ballou, Michael Formanek, Nate Wooley, Stephan Crump, George Garzone, Chris Speed, Drew Gress, Sam Rivers, Ralph Alessi, John O’Gallagher, Ellery Eskelin, Kris Davis, Ted Rosenthal, Matt Mitchell, Uri Caine, Andrew D’Angelo, Vardan Ovsepian, Bill McHenry as well as many others.
Devin has been fortunate to perform in many places around the globe and continues to make peace with his audiences. He is a top call young drummer in many modern jazz circles in New York City as well as multiple cities on the East Coast of America. Current leader projects include two quartets: “Dirigo Rataplan” featuring Ellery Eskelin, Dave Ballou, and Michael Formanek, and “RelativE ResonancE” featuring Chris Speed, Kris Davis, and Chris Tordini. He is currently living, playing, and composing in Brooklyn, New York.
For this particular concert Devin will interact with some of his old and new friends.
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‘The Community presents’ er en udendørs festival, som foregår hver dag kl 17.00-19.00 i perioden 2-10 juli under Copenhagen Jazz Festival 2016 @ KoncertKirken, Blågårds Plads, kurateret af Mia Dyberg.
The Community er et internationalt netværk, som skaber og udvider relationer mellem improvisation musikere verden over – ved at arrangere events med interaktion som den drivende kraft.
Udendørs koncert.
Gratis adgang.
Copenhagen Jazz Festival 2016 @ KoncertKirken støttes af Statens Kunstfond, Københavns Kommune, Nørrebro Lokaludvalg, Knud Højgaards Fond, Augustinus Fonden, DJBFA/Komponister og Sangskrivere, Dansk Musiker Forbund.