22:00 – 23:00
Copenhagen Jazz Festival 2016 @ KoncertKirken
Otis+Wedding (DE/SE)
Otis Sandsjö (sax)
Elias Stemeseder (piano)
Daniel Bödvarsson (bass)
Tilo Weber (drums)
The Berlin based swedish saxophone player Otis Sandsjö premiered his new brainchild OTIS+WEDDING in 2015.
It’s a quartet where Elias Stemeseder (Jim Black Trio, Eyebone, Philipp Gropper’s „Philm“) is let loose on his tiny synth setup, Petter Eldh (Django Bates Beloved Marius Neset, Amok Amor) is fulfilling his 70’s electric bass dreams and Tilo Weber (David Friedman Trio, Clara Haberkamp Trio) navigates through wonky beats and camouflaged ones.
The new compositions are inspired by the following three strong musical experiences in Otis’s recent life:
– Hearing Michael Jackson’s ‘Heal the world’ on a tiny bathroom radio, broadcasted by Berliner Rundfunk 91.4, while taking his morning shower.
– One night of falling down into a YouTube rabbit hole of korean psychedelic pop.
– Crossing a wintery Sweden, south to north, with a Volvo 240 and one scratched J Dilla CD as only company.
The music is right now being brutally edited by himself and Petter Eldh and will be released during 2016.
Tickets: 50 DKK
2 concerts same evening: 80 DKK
Copenhagen Jazz Festival 2016 @ KoncertKirken støttes af Statens Kunstfond, Københavns Kommune, Nørrebro Lokaludvalg, Knud Højgaards Fond, Augustinus Fonden, DJBFA/Komponister og Sangskrivere, Dansk Musiker Forbund.