17:00 – 18:30
Guusje Ingen Housz (NL)
We are so excited to invite you to our first Another Composer Coffee, 26th January at 17.00-18.30. Our first guest and talk will be with Guusje Ingen Housz, composer/music-producer from the Netherlands. The talk will be about Guusje’s work in general as well as her current collaboration with Damkapellet. Guusje is writing A Modern Ceremony for Damkapellet Festival 7-8 of March.
The event is FOR FREE and everyone is welcome. There will always be coffee and sometimes cookie.
Artwork: Julija Morgan
Thank you for the support: Nørrebro Lokaludvalg, Statens Kunstfond, Nordiska kulturfonden, Dansk Musiker Forbund, Dansk Komponistforening, KoncertKirken.
*************** MORE INFO /ENG BELOW *****************
ANOTHER COMPOSER COFFEE er et uformelt mødested for nysgerrige musik- og kaffeelskere i København, der sker i KONCERTKIRKENS KRYPTE den sidste søndag hver måned i januar-maj og august-nov (fra 2020).
ANOTHER COMPOSER COFFEE er et nyt initiativ hvor Damkapellet byder ind til kaffe og præsenterer og fortæller om kvindelige komponister fra alle tider.
Formålet med begivenheden er, at både Damkapellet og publikum sammen skaber en platform, et forum for at opdage nye og glemte komponister. Gennem foredrag, fortellinger om forskellige kvindelige komponister, lytning af musik, levende musik, besøg af nutidige komponister, diskussion og udveksling. Begivenhederne kommer fokusere på alt fra notation, kompositionsteknikker, livshistorier, arv, tradition, innovation, et specifikt værk, politiske diskussioner til bare at lytte til musik.
ANOTHER COMPOSER COFFEE sætter fokus på formidling, dialog, inspiration og samvær i hyggelige omgivelser og afslappede former.
ANOTHER COMPOSER COFFEE is an informal meeting place for curious music and coffee lovers in Copenhagen, which takes place in the KONCERTKIRKENS KRYPTE on the last Sunday of each month in January-May and August-November (from 2020).
ANOTHER COMPOSER COFFEE is a new initiative where Damkapellet presents and hosts talks about female composers of all times. The purpose of the event is that both Damkapellet and audience together create a new platform, a forum for discovering new and forgotten composers. Through lectures, stories about various female composers, listening to music, live music, visits by contemporary composers, discussion and exchange. The events will focus on everything from notation, composition techniques, life stories, heritage, tradition, innovation, a specific work, political discussions to just listening to music.
ANOTHER COMPOSER COFFEE focuses on communication, dialogue, inspiration and socializing in pleasant surroundings and relaxed forms.