20:00 – 22:00
Butterfly Effect
Since ancient times, our history and civilization had a huge stock of art and elegant songs and a lot of musical instruments that our ancestors created and excelled. We have many great and talented names to be proud of, there for example Abdel Wahab and Umm Kalthoum and many more.
In honor of them and our art, we have chosen to get together on the stage of art to revive our music and convey the original, elegant and absent art to the new generation to taste the splendor and grandeur of our art.
We are Butterfly Effect.
Although Butterfly Effect previously did not do art properly, as the stream of cheap and inelegant songs took it to a the black era, we decided to be the small Butterfly Effect that will carry the stream of the original art and revive it, and revive the souls longing for it, and to show people who do not know the ancient Arabic art , the weight of our songs and the greatness of our artists.
Ayman Khattar – violin
Fadi Samrawi – rhythm
Assem Samurai – rhythm
Salah Shabib – org
Adel Najjari – voice
Entré: 50 dkk
Dette event er en del af 48 TIMER FESTIVAL, og du kan se det fulde program i hovedbegivenheden 48Timer Festival 2019. Festivalen er støttet af Nørrebro Lokaludvalg, KFU og Tuborg Fonden og er et samarbejde mellem Blågården, Union, Osramhuset og Nørrebrohallen. Se mere på www.48timer.com