19:30 – 21:00
Bernardo Moreira: double bass (PT)
Luís Figueiredo: piano (PT)
Portugisisk Forening i Danmark (PFiD) – i samarbejde med KoncertKirken og Portugals Ambassade i Danmark – er glad for at præsentere Luís Figueiredo og Bernardo Moreira Jazz duet på “Songs from Lusitania” koncerten.
Kom og vær med til en uforglemmelig Jazz koncert den 6. Mai med Luis Figueiredo ved klaveret og Bernardo Moreira ved bassen!
Entré (billetter købes ved indgangen): 75 kr.
PFiD medlemspris: 50 kr.
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Bernardo Moreira and Luís Figueiredo are two extremely active musicians in the Portuguese music scene today. Both with classical and jazz backgrounds, the two musicians are part of a large number of musical projects, especially within jazz and popular music. They are also part of fado singer Cristina Branco’s regular band, with whom they have recorded and toured extensively around Europe.
For this concert in Copenhagen, Moreira and Figueiredo have selected a variety of songs from the Portuguese songbook, written either by themselves or other relevant Portuguese composers and songwriters.
Bernardo Moreira is one of the most active bassists in Portugal, ever since he started his activity in jazz in 1985, alongside his brothers in Moreiras Jazztet. He studied with a number of masters of the double bass such as Niels-Henning Orsted-Pedersen, Rufus Reid and Reggie Workman. He also studied under professor Fernando Flores at Academia dos Amadores de Música, in Lisbon. Over the past twenty years, he has had an intense activity as a teacher, namely at the Luiz Villas Boas Jazz School (Hot Clube de Portugal) between 1990 and 2008, and at the present time at Escola Superior de Música de Lisboa, where he is part of the faculty for the degree in Jazz. Alongside his pedagogical activity he has had a few guest performances as soloist for Orquestra Gulbenkian, Orquestra Metropolitana de Lisboa, Orquestra Nacional do Porto and Orquestra Nacional do Teatro de São Carlos. He has achieved considerable notoriety, both national and internationally, collaborating with musicians such as Rich Perry, Eddie Henderson, Norman Simmons, AI Grey, John Stubblefield, Carl Burnett, Frank Lacy, Daniel Humair, Phil Markowitz, Bruce Barth, Enrico Rava, Yves Robert, Julian Argüelles, Perico Sambeat, Marc Miralta, Greg Hutchinson, Antonio Sanchez, Rodney Green, Matt Renzi, Jacob Sacks, Marc Turner, Chris Cheek, Norma Winstone, Maria pia de Vito, Flora Purim, Ayrto Moreira, E. J. Strickland, Marcus Strickland, Bila! Oliver, Robert Glasper, Bob Mintzer, Rick Margitza, Nguyen Lê, John Ellis, Peter Bernstein, Donald Harrison and Paulinho Braga, as well as the legendary Benny Golson, Freddie Hubbard, Curtis Fuller, Wayne Shorter, Art Farmer and Kenny Wheeler. He has collaborated and recorded with the forefront of musicians in Portugal, such as Mário Laginha, Bernardo Sassetti, João Paulo Esteves da Silva, Rodrigo Gonçalves, Filipe Melo, Óscar Graça, Rui Caetano, Sérgio Pelágio, Mário Delgado, André Fernandes, Nuno Ferreira, Afonso Pais, Bruno Santos, Nuno Costa, Pedro Moreira, João Moreira, Lars Arens, André Sousa Machado, Alexandre Frazão, Bruno Pedroso, Marcos Cavaleiro, Paulo Bandeira, Maria João, Joana Machado, Paula Oliveira and Marta Hugon. For the past few years, he has been performing all over the world as a regular part of the Maria João / Mário Laginha Quartet, the Mário Laginha Trio, the Flora Purim / Ayrto Moreira Quintet, and fado singer Cristina Branco.
Luís Figueiredo was born in Coimbra in 1979. He studied piano at Conservatório de Música de Coimbra and later at Universidade de Aveiro and also at Luiz Villa Villas Boas Jazz School (Hot Clube de Portugal), in Lisbon. Throughout the years, he studied with Vitali Dotsenko, Mário Laginha, António Chagas Rosa, Bernardo Moreira, Filipe Melo and Fausto Neves, amongst others. He released his first album in 2010 (Manhã, JACC Records) and has been intensely active ever since, both as leader and as sideman for a number of diverse projects, mainly within the field of improvised music. He has worked and/or recorded with Cristina Branco, Bruno Pedroso, Carlos Bica, André Fernandes, Luísa Sobral, Alexandre Frazão, Reinier Baas, João Moreira, Ana Bacalhau, Mário Delgado, Bernardo Moreira, David Binney, João Hasselberg, Perico Sambeat, Ricardo Toscano, Diogo Duque, Mário Franco, Carlos Barretto, Jorge Moniz and Jeffrey Davis, amongst many others. In recent years he has also worked as arranger and musical director for a number of projects, including music for theatre and cinema. He has a PhD in Music from University of Aveiro, where he is currently a Visiting Assistant Professor.
Website: http://luisfigueiredo.net
Bandcamp: http://luisfigueiredo.bandcamp.com
Facebook: http://facebook.com/luisfigueiredomusic
Instagram: http://instagram.com/luisfigueiredomusic
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Følg koncertens opdateringer på Portugisisk Forening i Danmarks Facebookside (https://www.facebook.com/portugisiskforeningidanmark/) eller hjemmeside (https://www.portugisiskforening.dk/).