20:00 – 22:00
Cyberstudio & Athelas Sinfonietta Copenhagen
Acoustic and electronic soundscapes, visual art, text and choreography are used in the program Dialog/No Dialog.
Athelas Sinfonietta (Copenhagen) and multidisciplinary ensemble Cyberstudio (Tallinn) communicate with each other in this expressive performance of modern music, mostly by currently active composers.
Pierre Jodlowsky (b. 1971) Dialog/ No Dialog for flute and live-electronics 14′
Lepo Sumera (1950-2000) For BBB and his friend for flute and electric-guitar 5′
Liisa Streich (b. 1985) Asche for clarinet and cello 15′
Mart Siimer (b. 1967) Spinning Globe for flute and electronics 5′
Tõnu Kõrvits (b. 1969) Chamber of Winds for bass-flute and electric-guitar 7′
Karlhainz Stockhausen (1928-2007) Flöte aus Orchesterfinalisten 5′
Jüri Reinvere (b. 1971) t.i.m.e. for flute, electronics, video and dancer 10′
Monika Mattiesen (b. 1966) After glow for ensemble and live-electronics (premiere) 12′
Monika Mattiesen flute, artistic director
Tammo Sumera sound desgin, electronics
Jaak Sooäär electric guitar
Mari Mägi coreography, dance
Kaisa Roose conductor of Cyberstudio and musicians from Athelas Sinfonietta
Entré: 60 kr.
Cyberstudio is multidisciplinary ensemble that is focused on performing music by contemporary Estonian and foreign authors, especially of those related to IRCAM. Thereat the main attention is paid to premieres of works commissioned from Estonian composers, where flute and electronics have the central place. Ensemble’s main idea is synthesis of multimedia, acoustic and electro-acoustic music with other fields of arts, creating thereby new environments in which different means of expression complement and support each other. Thus the light, video, paintings, dance, film, literature and others are roped in Cyberstudio’s projects. Monika Mattiesen, the artistic director of the ensamble: “Almost every modern creative person, may he/she be composer, performer or artist, uses different technological means in creative process. Bonding the acoustic sound to elecronic one and visual to interacive sound and movement has inspired composers, musicians, dancers, theatricals and artists. Cyberstudio is a medium for accomplishment of these possibilities.”.
Ensemble grew out of flutist Monika Mattiesen’s recitals, where the important part was that perfomed works had to be related to the surrounding room in acoustic and visual plan. The first electro-acoustical concert took place at the festival Flutish Kingdom in Tallinn (2000). Since then, light designers, video artists, damaturgs, dancers, actors and specialists of electronic music have become Mattiesen’s ensemble partners.
The preparation of ensemble’s programs is comparable to composing process that source is composers’s work. Often the programs are put together in close collaboration with composers. Since the foundation of ensemble, several exciting multimedia performances emphatically ambitious in a way, have been brouht to audience: Dialog/No Dialog (2001), “Lendajad” [Soarers] (2005), „Eesti fantaasia” [Estonian Fantasy] (2005), Lichtwerke (2005), Long Tide (2006, 2008), “Pärast puudutust” [After Touch] (2007). From the works of foreign authors, Cyberstudio has performed music by many leading new music composers like John Cage, Pierre Jodlowski, Kaija Saariaho, Philippe Manoury, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Brian Eno and many others.
Cyberstudio have given first performances of works by Estonian composers like Märt-Matis Lill (“Tuletäpid pimeduses” [Fire Dots in Dark] 2003/2004, “Etnofuturistlikud etüüdid” [Ethnofuturistic Etudes] 2001), Margo Kõlar (“Tokaata ja ämbient” [Toccata and Ambient] 2003], Toivo Tulev (“Teine kallas, vaikuses hommikune vihm” [Futher Shore, Rain, Silence] 2003, Velum, aftertouch 2007), Timo Steiner (“Lugu, mis muutus liblikaks” [A Story That Became a Butterfly] 2004, Concerto for a Dancing Flute 2007), Helena Tulve (“Lendajad” [Soarers] 2005), Mart Siimer (“Kadunud sõna 2” [Lost Word 2] 2005), Jüri Reinvere (Long Tide 2006), Tõnis Kaumann (Montes Gelboe 2007), Monika Mattiesen (Mandragora 2004). Cyberstudio has collaborated also with composers Erkki-Sven Tüür, Tõnu Kõrvits and Mirjam Tally.
Cyberstudio collocates together quite permanent core: Monika Mattiesen (flute), Margo Kõlar and Hans-Gunter Lock (electronics), Aare Tammesalu (cello), Martti Raide (piano), Ardo Ran Varres (actor, stage director and musician) and Airi Eras (light designer). Yet the artistic staff varies accordingly to new ideas and works. Ensemble has been cooperated with the vocal ensemble Vox Clamantis, Weekend Guitar Trio, conductors Tõnu Kaljuste, Erki Pehk, Film Studio Rühm+0, light desingers and video artists Kaido Mikk, Ivika Kivi, Meelis Salujärv, Ene-Liis Semper and Jaan Toomik, theatre designer Mare Raidma, choreographer Jüri Nael, poet Indrek Hirv and others.
Besides the intensive concert activity in Estonia, Cyberstudio has performed in Finland, Poland, France, Greece and USA. One of the largest project has been concerts in Tartu St. John’s Church at the Estonian Young Composers’ Festival during 2000–2004 within the church’s restoration process.